EVAC - Public Call for Expressions of Interest

Public Call for expression of interest from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to serve on Evaluation and Approvals Committee of the Local Enterprise Office Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown


Recognising the importance of micro and small businesses to the Irish economy, the Government established a network of Local Enterprise Offices around the country. The network of 31 LEOs are the first stop-shop for all entrepreneurs and existing micro and small businesses to deliver an enhanced and integrated support service. 

The LEO provides a cohesive provision of support services to all local micro and small businesses including start-up companies and micro enterprise companies seeking to expand. Qualifying projects being considered for financial support will be evaluated by an Evaluation and Approvals Committee chaired by either the Chief Executive or another senior local authority official not from the LEO; delegated by the Chief Executive.  

The Evaluation Committees consist of the Chair; a representative from Enterprise Ireland; and five individuals with specific areas of business expertise. There is no remuneration attached to the positions. The Authority appoint members for a maximum period of five years in accordance with the provisions of the agreed Service Level Agreement between the Local Authority and Enterprise Ireland.  Under these terms we currently have one vacancy arising and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Local Authority is now inviting expressions of interest from people interested in being appointed to the Evaluation and Approvals Committee.  

In considering the composition of the Committee, the Local Authority will give due consideration to principles of broad equality and gender balance. In making any appointments to this Committee, the Local Authority will not necessarily be confined to those who make such expressions of interest but will ensure that all of those appointed have the relevant mix of knowledge and expertise to contribute to the Committee.

Of particular interest is what specific skill sets the candidate would bring in assessing investment proposals and candidates should set out clearly their expertise in the following:

  • Knowledge of market sectors including technology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Debt/banking and/or cash-flow management
  • Finance / Investment
  • Business Development
  • Marketing / Sales / Sectors

Prospective members should have:

  • experience in assessing financial proposals and an ability to challenge company submissions
  • broad business experience and a clear ability to empathise with challenges facing micro and small enterprises 
  • the ability to demonstrate their understanding and experience in the micro and small enterprise sectors.


What is involved?

The Evaluation and Approval Committee will typically meet once a month and each meeting lasts approximately 2 hours. There are usually between 2-5 applications for funding per meeting. Members are required to read the applications in advance of the meeting and consider its merits against the eligibility criteria set out. Papers are issued one week before through an online system with the application details for review. Support and training as necessary will be provided.


Expressions of Interest

The completed Expressions of interest form should be sent by e-mail to leo@dlrcoco.ie with the subject line: "EVAC Membership Application" by Friday 6th September 2024.

Expressions of interest received by this date will be considered for an initial vacancy on the EVAC.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council are happy to accept expressions of interest after this initial deadline to be considered for a panel which will cover any vacancies that may arise over the next 3 years.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will acknowledge receipt of such applications and inform applicants in due course of decisions in relation to the appointments.

Expressions of Interest Form